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发布时间: 2021-04-20 19:03:03

㈠ 净水器的展会什么时候有

2017中国成都供热通风、空调热泵与室内环境展览会 2017中国成都室内通风、空气净化及洁净技术产品展 2017中国成都饮水净水设备展览会
2017第二十一届中国国际营养健康产业博览会 2017第二十一届中国(上海)国际医疗器械展览会 2017年中国(上海)国际空气净化净水“双净”博览会

㈡ 2020年有哪些比较好的环保展会在哪里举办


㈢ 第三届中国广州国际给排水水处理技术设备展览会


㈣ 做净水设备过滤出口的,参加什么展会比

你好 有很多双净展会(空气净化,水净化),当然也有专门净水类的展会,你可以根据你自己所在地,以及想拓展客户的区域去参加展会。根据需求直接搜索就可以了。


㈤ 中国十大环保水处理展会是哪些


㈥ 北京地区适合净水设备参与展会有哪些


㈦ 上海国际水展会主要是展览哪些


㈧ 参加水处理设备展览会要做准备什么东西呢


㈨ 我们公司是生产水处理设备的,参加海外展会和哪个公司报名靠谱些,请知道的人给点信息参考下!

In the Name of God
From: (Your letter should have official name of the company and LOGO)

To: Overseas Marketing Manager, (company name and address)
Dear Madam/Sir, (Some we have contact name, so please use that, thank you)
We are please to inform you that the Organization of Municipalities and Rural Managers which is an independent organization within ministry of interior is going to held the 3th International Exhibition of Urban Management and Municipalities Achievement(IMOX) from 9-12 November 2012 in Iran- Tehran, Mosllaye Imam khomaini .
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to IMOX Exhibition which is a one of a kind event that aims to showcase various urban management and planning techniques. With increasing professional challenges in every sector including, transportation, construction, infrastructure, waste water management, city planning, IT and so on, the urban executives are facing huge problems. The event will bring and provide solutions and ways to deal with these issues.
IMOX Exhibition will not be open to public, however , will have visitors like Mayors, City Managers, CEOs & Treasurers of cities and municipal authorities, Purchasing Managers, Managers of Municipal Water authorities, Sanitation Managers, Environmental Managers, City Engineers, City Architects, Municipal Commissioners, City water Commissions, Ecation Department Managers, Managers of Community Centers, Managers of Departments of Cultural Affairs, Automation professionals, Municipal Consultants, Urban & City planners, Architects & Interior Designers, Structural Engineers, Water Engineers, Civil Engineers, City Sports Department Managers, Sports Club Managers, Building & Infrastructure Developers.
IMOX Exhibition is designed to put manufacturers in direct contact with decision makers and government official and by professionals who are responsible for city management and maintenance like Mayors. The event will bring together a large number of exhibitors from all areas of urban management including Drainage and Sewerage, Water and Wastewater, infrastructure development and others.
The main purposes of this exhibition are acquainted municipalities with the latest technology in the world and a direct transaction from companies and factories that have activity on following subjects:
Urban Transportation
Machinery and Equipment of Urban Services
Urban Wastes
Green Spaces
Electronic Municipality
Furnishings of City
This will be a unique opportunity for professional and manufacturers to introce their services, procts and latest achievements to the large community of Iranian municipalities, companies and foreign visitors. For more information and registration please contact our agent in China Mr. Alfred Chin at: (I will provide all info after receiving complete info about the exhibition ) We do not want people to start contacting us when we don’t have all the answers, it’s not professional.
Sincerely yours,
International affairs manager

㈩ 2020第十三届上海国际水处理展览会,有什么项目啊具体地点在哪里呢...



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